Disability Demographics Factors and Employment Inclusivity: A Study of Persons with Disabilities in 4-5 Star Hotels in Mombasa City County, Kenya


  • Binyanya Benard Kenyatta University
  • Monica Akinyi Wandolo Kenyatta University
  • Albert Chege Kariuki Kenyatta University




World Health Organization statistics indicates that the average employment rate for PLWDS is 44%. The hospitality business faces difficulties in hiring PWDs because it is a labour-intensive sector that requires able-bodied human resources. This study's goal was to evaluate the impact of disability demographic factors on employment inclusivity of PWDs in hotels in Mombasa city county Kenya. A mixed research design was used.  The study was underpinned by the theory of change, social oppression theory and the resource-based theory of competitive advantage. The target population was 106 participants from selected hotels and organizations in charge of disability persons;16 general managers, 16 HRM managers, 32 F&B managers, 16 executive housekeepers, 16 front office managers,1 county PWDs regional coordinator, 1 skills development and placement officer from the MLSP, Mombasa county and 8 PWDs. The population was eventually sampled using a combination of purposive, stratified and census sampling methods. The sample size comprised of all the 106 participants. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and observation methods. The results were analysed using content analysis, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression. Moderation was tested using Process Macro Hayes model 1. The results produced insignificant results that indicate that demographic factors (B=.141, p=.102) had not been able to positively and significantly influence the employment inclusivity of PWDs in Kenyan hotels. The most underlying factor that contributed to these findings is the lack of knowledge, awareness, and skills to develop an inclusive work environment, implement by employers. Therefore, this study recommends that stakeholders such as training institutions, policy and regulatory frameworks and industry should build capacity by carrying out intensive sensitization campaigns.

Keywords: Disability Demographics, Employment Inclusivity, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), Hospitality Industry, Mombasa City County

Author Biographies

Binyanya Benard, Kenyatta University

PhD Candidate, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Monica Akinyi Wandolo, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Albert Chege Kariuki, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management


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How to Cite

Binyanya, B., Wandolo, M. A., & Kariuki, A. C. (2025). Disability Demographics Factors and Employment Inclusivity: A Study of Persons with Disabilities in 4-5 Star Hotels in Mombasa City County, Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 8(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4309




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