A Critical Review of Gastronomic Tourism Development in Kenya


  • Josphine, Jebotip Dedan Kimathi University of Technology


Gastronomic tourism is an emerging niche tourism that plays a key role in sustaining tourism development. This paper critically reviews literature and identifies gaps on the concept of gastronomic tourism especially in the Kenyan context and gives recommendations on how to develop it further. It was found out that studies on gastronomic tourism are still limited in Kenya despite the benefits that a destination can reap from developing gastronomic tourism and that the development of gastronomic tourism as a form of tourism is still in its infancy. A number of recommendations have been made in this paper; firstly that there is need for stakeholder approach in research on gastronomic tourism, secondly documentation of authentic gastronomic aspects in every County and development of gastronomic tourism packages and routes is important. Thirdly, the development of a gastronomic tourism strategy within the broader tourism policy framework will go a long way in promoting gastronomic tourism in Kenya.

Key words: Sustainability, Gastronomic Tourism, Local foods, Cultural and Heritage Tourism

Author Biography

Josphine, Jebotip, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology


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How to Cite

Jebotip, J. (2021). A Critical Review of Gastronomic Tourism Development in Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 4(1), 27–39. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournal.org/journals/index.php/Journal-of-Hospitality/article/view/709


