Examining the Effectiveness of Teaching Vietnamese Language among Ethnic Minority Primary Students in Son La Province
The Vietnamese language is the common language of different ethnic groups and also it is the official language used in the education sector. The development of the language skills of ethnic minority children is a fundamental issue in the development of education in ethnic regions. The main research question is; how effective are the current strategies in teaching the Vietnamese language to the ethnic minority primary students in Son La province? The methods used are collecting secondary documents, analyzing, and evaluating the situation. Data from the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years show that ethnic minority students in primary schools in Son La province still face certain limitations in language proficiency when learning Vietnamese. The level of Vietnamese usage among ethnic minority students outside the classroom is 45%, and at home is only 5%. Based on the current situation, this article aims to propose some solutions to help ethnic minority primary school students in Son La province overcome language barriers, especially in light of the new requirements of the 2025 General Education Program, and to provide educators and teachers with guidance on building and selecting content as well as teaching methods that are more suitable for learners.
Keywords: Ethnic Minorities, Primary Students, Language Barrier, General Education Program, Vietnamese Language, Son La Province.
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