Influence of Public Participation in Implementing Development Projects in Kasarani Constituency in Nairobi City County


  • Jenericah Gichuki The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya
  • Dr. Simon Njeri The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya
  • Rev. Dr. Njunguna Waitherero The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya



Project execution has a great impact on the sustainability of growth and expansion of projects inthe world. Several studies have been conducted to examine the project implementation success in different ways, including a time limit, money, client satisfaction, and effectiveness. The core objective of this study was to assess the influence of public participation in implementing development projects in Kasarani constituency in Nairobi City County. The study was guided by two theories public participation theory and project management theory. The study employed a descriptive research design and a random sampling method.  A sample size of 254 respondents were used. Data collection was conducted using semi-structured questionnaires on online forums and others provided phyisially to the respondents. Data was captured in Excel for longevity and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 21.0. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the data. From  results, the study established that there was a statistically significant influence of public participation on project implementation, implying that an increase in public participation leads to an increase in project implementation. The study concludes that a positive increase in public participation leads to an increase in Project Implementation. It was recommended that the government should also increase the accessibility of project implementation information to the public to facilitate the accountability claims from the public to the people responsible.

Keywords: Public Participation, Project implementation, development projects, Kasarani Constituency, Nairobi City County

Author Biographies

Jenericah Gichuki, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya

Master’s Student

Dr. Simon Njeri , The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya


Rev. Dr. Njunguna Waitherero, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya



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How to Cite

Gichuki, J. ., Njeri , S. ., & Waitherero, N. . (2022). Influence of Public Participation in Implementing Development Projects in Kasarani Constituency in Nairobi City County. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 6(3), 105–122.


