Effect of Agile Project Management Techniques on Performance of Public Funded Projects: A Case of Kenya Urban Roads Authority
In Kenya many public funded projects fail or are never completed. The performance of projects in developing countries is hindered by diverse factors. Indeed, various studies in agile project management have explored diverse success factors in improving the performance of agile project management. The main focus of this study was to establish the influence of agile project management techniques on performance of public funded projects in Kenya. The study specifically focused on the influence organisational strategy, resource mobilization, project team competence and stakeholders involvement on the performance of public funded projects in Kenya. The study was guided by resource mobilization theory, competency theory, stakeholder theory and theory of reasoned actions. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population for this study included project managers at KURA for all for ongoing project in Nairobi County. The target population for the study was a total of 78 projects managers from all the 78 ongoing projects in Nairobi County. The study adopted a census technique with respect to the unit of observation which is the project managers for all ongoing projects in Nairobi County. The instrument for data collection was mainly a questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to be filled questionnaires and it were picked after two weeks. Inferential statistics; regression coefficient and bivariate correlation were used to analyze the relationship of the dependent variable and the independent variables. The major findings revealed that resource mobilization, stakeholders participation and project team competence had a positive and significant relationship with project performance. Organisational strategy had a positive but insignificant relationship with project performance. Based on the study findings, the study concluded that use of agile project management techniques positively affected the project performance. The study recommended that policy makers both at the national level and at the county level should revise existing and formulate new policies to regulate how public funded projects are procured and implemented.
Keywords: Resource, Mobilization, Stakeholders’, Participation, Competence, Strategy
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