Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Project Performance in International Organizations: A Case of Prism Implemented by Heifer International Rwanda, Musanze District


  • Eka Nchiko Moise Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Dr. Safari Ernest Mount Kenya University, Rwanda



The study aimed to assess the influence of monitoring and evaluation practices and project performance in international organizations, the case of PRISM implemented by Heifer International Rwanda in the Musanze district. The specific objectives of the study were to: assess the influence of stakeholders’ participation in monitoring and evaluation practices and performance of PRISM in Musanze district, examine the influence of technical expertise in monitoring and evaluation practices and performance of PRISM in Musanze District, and determine the influence of management engagement in monitoring and evaluation practices and performance of PRISM in Musanze District. The total population is 195, made of beneficiaries of PRISM, Technical staff of PRISM, Heifer International Rwanda programs manager, and PRISM country manager. The granular formula is used to determine the sample size equal to 137. The study employed both purposive and stratified sampling strategies as sampling techniques. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interviews, while SPSS was employed to edit, clean, and analyze quantitative data and on the other hand, content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The results showed a highly positive relationship between monitoring and evaluation practices and project performance implemented by international organizations. Stakeholders’ participation in monitoring and evaluation has 0.987 correlations with project performance. Technical expertise in monitoring and evaluation has 0.977 correlations with project performance, and management engagement in monitoring and evaluation has 0.959 correlations with project performance. Regression analysis revealed that a combination of stakeholder participation, technical expertise and management engagement contributes up to 93.6% to the performance of PRISM. This implies that the combination of all these independent variables contributes significantly to the performance of projects implemented by international organizations.

Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation Practices, Project Performance, International Organizations, Prism Implemented, Heifer International Rwanda


Author Biographies

Eka Nchiko Moise, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Master’s student, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University


Dr. Safari Ernest, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Lecturer, Business Administration, Mount Kenya University



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2023-06-27 — Updated on 2023-06-27


How to Cite

Nchiko, E. M., & Safari , E. (2023). Monitoring and Evaluation Practices and Project Performance in International Organizations: A Case of Prism Implemented by Heifer International Rwanda, Musanze District. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 7(6), 69–82.


