Project Communication Practices and Performance of Construction Project: A Case of Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project
This survey of project communication practices and performance of Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project. The specific objectives are to evaluate the effects of project board in achieving the performance of Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project, to assess how Daily stand up meeting affect the performance of Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project, to find out how weekly status report provides the useful information on the performance of Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project, to ascertain how a document repository play an important role on the performance of Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study's descriptive design. A descriptive survey was conducted in an effort to record the present state of affairs to provide a description of them. There were a total of 140 people included in the study, 60 from the Rwanda Transport Development Agency (RTDA) serving as Client and 80 from the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) serving as Contractor, all of whom were expected to provide information data relevant to the study's aims. According to the streamlined Slovene methodology, the sample size is 103, and all responders had an equal chance of being included in the sample. The researcher mostly communicated with participants through questionnaire, which included the quantitative questions. The investigator was able to get first-hand knowledge from respondents by asking them qualitative inquiries tailored to the study goals; this method was also useful for gathering data directly relevant to the aims. Other types of statistical analysis were necessary once the obtained data had been processed and put in some sort of tables. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis were used in the conduct of this study, with the latter using SPSS 16.0 for descriptive statistical analysis that included the calculation of means, frequencies, percentages, and standard deviations. According to the data, the Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project has a high and important mean on the project board for attaining performance at 1.7249. The Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project benefits from a high mean daily stand-up meeting attendance of 1.6893, which should be maintained. The Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project had an excellent mean score of 1.6925 on its weekly status report, which gives vital details on the project's progress. The impact of the Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road Project on average is modest (1.7702), hence there is room for significant improvement. For the same project's near future, the Rwandan government and Kicukiro district should prioritize the plan's execution via frequent monitoring, inspection, and environmental audit.
Keywords: Communication Practices, Project Performance, Sonatubes-Gahanga-Akagera Bridge Road, Rwanda
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