Determinants of Successful Implementation of Socio-Economic Developmental Projects in Kenya: A Case of Kwale County, Kenya
The study focused on four main objectives; to identify how community participation, budgetary allocation, leadership style, and monitoring and evaluation influence the successful implementation of socio-economic development projects. A descriptive research design was applied to carry out this study. The target population was 450 where purposeful sampling was used to sample size of 90 informants. Data were analyzed through the use of MS excel, tables, done, averages, frequencies and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS). The study outcomes were: Community participation influences successful implementation of socio-economic development projects rated at 81.4%, budgetary influence was rated at 84.3%, Leadership styles were rated at 77.1% while Monitoring and Evaluation was ranked 55.7% that it influenced to on successful implementation of socio-economic development projects. On the test of hypothesis,IC=33.8>IC= 0.188 at 4 degrees of freedom and 5% level of confidence. 0.05 Chi-square value of 33.8 is > the critical chi-square value at a 5% level of confidence, the alternative hypothesis was accepted, community participation has a significant influence on the implementation of socio-economic development projects. IC=22.3>IC= 9.488 at 4 degrees of freedom and 5% level of confidence. 0.05, Chi-square value of 22.3 > the critical chi-square value at 5% level of confidence, the alternative hypothesis was accepted that budgetary allocation has a significant influence on the successful implementation of socio-economic development projects. IC=30.3>IC= 9.488 at 4 degrees of freedom and 5% level of confidence. 0.05 the chi-square value of 30.3 is > the critical chi-square value at 5% level of confidence, the alternative hypothesis was accepted that leadership style has a significant influence on the successful implementation of socio-economic development projects. IC=29.5>IC= 9.488 at 4 degrees of freedom and 5% level of confidence. 0.05 the chi-square value of 0.95 is > the critical chi-square value at 0.05 level of confidence, the alternative hypothesis was accepted that Monitoring and Evaluation has a significant influence. The study concluded, community participation has an influence on the successful implementation of socio-economic development projects, leadership style influence success or failure of socio-economic development projects implementation through the allocation of resources and give direction. Budgetary allocation influences the implementation of socio-economic development projects. Monitoring and evaluation has a critical role to socio-economic development projects. Recommendations were, community be involved and consulted, a good leadership style should be put practiced, budgetary allocations to be provided without some biases. Monitoring and evaluation should be highly emphasized to enhance socio-economic development projects' success.
Keywords: Community participation, budgetary allocation, monitoring and evaluation and Successful Implementation of Socio-Economic Developmental Project
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