Off farm activities and Welfare of Beneficiaries in CORE Project in Rwanda
Understanding the contributions of CORE Project’s off-farm interventions on household welfare is important because these interventions are in response to effects of risky income and jobless on household welfare in Rusizi District. This includes inability to obtain household basic needs like food, shelter, clothes and minimal investment., The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the relationship between off-farm economic activities and the welfare of the beneficiaries of CORE project in Rusizi district of Rwanda. This paper employed correlation research design. The target population of this study was 33,835 direct project beneficiaries from Rusizi District corresponding to the sample size of 166 respondents obtained by using Kothari‘s (2004) formula. Questionnaire and guided interview were used as data collection instruments. The findings revealed that people who are engaged in off-farm activities are likely to earn more as presented by 77(50.9%) of respondents. This study also presented that one of the off-farm activities preferred most is tailoring as mentioned by 32(21.1%) of respondents. The findings also revealed that food security was mentioned highly by 33(21.7%) in terms of welfare indicators achieved as a result of off-farm activities. Nevertheless, this paper shows that there is a statistical significance positive relationship between off-farm economic activities and welfare of beneficiaries in CORE Project (r =0.293, P=.000<0.01). This paper also recommends that financial institutions working in Rusizi district should give loan facilities to the local citizens so as to enable them to start their own investment particularly in small off-farm income generating activities.
Key words: Off-Farm Activities, Welfare Beneficiaries and Core Project & Rwanda
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