Influence of Remuneration Structure on Employee Performance at MTN Rwandacell Headquarters
Remuneration is the payment method that an organization uses to pay salaries/wages to employees for the work or services done. This study determined the influence of remuneration structure on employee performance in MTN Rwandacell Headquarters. Specifically, the study objectives were; to establish the effects of financial rewards on employee performance, to assess the importance of non-financial rewards on employee performance, and to examine the influence of incentive pay on employee performance in MTN Rwandacell Headquarters. The descriptive research design was used, and the study was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The target population comprised 586 employees and the sample size was 123 employees working at the MTN Rwandacell Headquarters. The researcher used the structured questionnaire for data collection, and for the data analysis process, the researcher used the statistical package for social science (SPSS) software Vision 21. The mean and standard deviations were used to describe the observations. Correlation and regression analysis principles were followed in order to analyze the relationship between variables. The results showed that the R Square=.915, implying that 91.5% of the change in employee performance at the company is attributable to all variables of the remuneration structure. The correlation between incentive pay and employee performance was .928 which presents a high positive collation. The results indicated a high relationship between remuneration structure and employee performance of MTN Rwandacell Headquarters. This study thus recommends that the management of MTN Rwandacell should consider competently organizing the remuneration structure of the company.
Keywords: Remuneration structure, Compensation strategy, Incentive programs, Performance management, Employee performance, MTN Rwandacell Headquarters
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