Welfare Policies and Employee Satisfaction in Private Hospitals in Nairobi City County
Employee satisfaction in certain private hospitals in Kenya has been inadequate, possibly leading to cases of negligence. This shortfall in job satisfaction can markedly influence the overall quality of healthcare services delivered. Thus, the study examined the effect of welfare policies on employee satisfaction in private hospitals in Nairobi. The study was based on role stress theory. The research methodology of this study encompassed several different elements. A positivist philosophy was employed to test hypotheses derived from existing theories, specifically through the use of a descriptive research design. This design incorporated both qualitative and quantitative data to mitigate the limitations of employing just one type of method. The study was centered on 19 private hospitals in Nairobi City County, specifically those classified as level 4 and 5 hospitals, and included both management and support personnel. Data were collected through questionnaires for the support staff and interviews for the upper management. A sample size of 332 respondents, calculated using Yamane's formula, was distributed proportionally across the categories of management and support personnel. The data collection procedure involved the use of questionnaires, interview guidelines, and the SPSS version 27 for data analysis. The study found that welfare policies are positively and significantly connected with employee satisfaction (r=.271, p=0.000). The study concluded, when welfare policies are well-designed and well-communicated, they can positively impact employee satisfaction and can be an important retention tool for employers. It is recommended that private hospitals in Nairobi City County should have adequate welfare policies in place to support their employees. The stress theory of welfare suggests that employee stress levels should be addressed through welfare policies. Hence, private hospitals in Nairobi City County should provide support for employees who are experiencing stress due to work-related or personal reasons. The welfare policies in the hospitals such as stress management programs, counseling services, and flexible work arrangements, can help employees manage stress levels and improve their wellbeing.
Keywords: Welfare policies, employee satisfaction, private hospitals, Nairobi City County, Kenya
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