Corporate Leadership in Agricultural Advancements: Exploratory Evaluation of Performance of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)


  • Enock Warinda Management University of Africa
  • Domeniter N. Kathula Management University of Africa
  • Michael O. Ngala Management University of Africa



The study examined the influence of corporate leadership on the performance of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), utilizing theories of organizational excellence, upper echelons, and stakeholder. The study utilized a mixed-methods design with a pragmatic philosophy to reduce biases. It specifically targeted 75 management organs, with a focus on 60 directors and 188 top leadership members. The study employed cross-sectional survey to examine quantitative relationships, while qualitative perceptions were obtained through interpretive phenomenological analysis. The thorough examination, utilizing a composite regression model, revealed the significant effect of corporate leadership on KALRO's performance. The ANOVA results strongly supported the significant effect of corporate leadership on KALRO's performance by ruling out the null hypothesis that corporate leadership has no significant effect. Engaging in telephone discussions with the respondents who expressed apprehension resolved the primary constraint of the confidentiality of data. Suggested actions involve giving priority to achieving gender diversity, enhancing leadership development, conducting frequent performance evaluations, integrating monitoring and evaluation systems into regular operations, and enhancing communication. The study seeks to provide KALRO's leadership with guidance in making well-informed decisions in the face of conflicting priorities in the country. The research focused on assessing the impact of corporate leadership on the performance of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), employing organizational excellence, upper echelons, and stakeholder theories. Using a mixed-methods design aligned with a pragmatic philosophy to minimize biases, the study targeted 75 management organs, specifically 60 directors and 188 top leadership members. Employing a cross-sectional survey for quantitative analysis and interpretive phenomenological analysis for qualitative insights, the research, through a composite regression model, revealed a significant influence of corporate leadership on KALRO's performance. ANOVA results strongly supported this influence, rejecting the null hypothesis. Addressing confidentiality concerns, telephone discussions with hesitant respondents were conducted. Proposed actions include prioritizing gender diversity, enhancing leadership development, conducting frequent performance evaluations, integrating monitoring and evaluation systems into regular operations, and improving communication. The objective is to equip KALRO's leadership with guidance for informed decision-making amid conflicting priorities in the country.

Keywords: Corporate Leadership, Organizational Performance, KALRO, Cabinet Secretary.

Author Biographies

Enock Warinda, Management University of Africa

PhD Candidate

Domeniter N. Kathula, Management University of Africa

Popo Rd., Off Mombasa Rd., Belle Vue, South C. Nairobi, Kenya

Michael O. Ngala, Management University of Africa

Popo Rd., Off Mombasa Rd., Belle Vue, South C. Nairobi, Kenya


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How to Cite

Warinda, E., Kathula, D. N., & Ngala, M. O. (2024). Corporate Leadership in Agricultural Advancements: Exploratory Evaluation of Performance of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO). Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 8(1), 108–127.


