Effect of Motivation on Employees’ Performance in the Four Star Rated Hotels in Coastal Kenya


  • Dominic Shukrani Kenga Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya
  • Dr. William Kazungu Kingi Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya




Securing qualified and competent employees into an organization is the dream of every entrepreneur. None-the less there is more that requires to be done in order for the qualified personnel to perform at optimality and consequently drive the organization towards the desired levels of performance. This current study undertook an investigation in order to determine the effect of motivation on employees’ performance in the four star rated hotels in coastal Kenya. The study embraced the descriptive research design. The study population comprised of 78 employees sourced from across the 13 four star rated hotels along the coast of Kenya. The simple random sampling technique used in this study resulted into having a sample size of 66 units. Primary quantitative data was employed in this study. The simple linear regression model enshrined in the statistical package for social sciences was used in data analysis. The study found a strong positive relationship of 0.573 between motivation and employees' performance. Additionally, the results of the regression analysis indicated that motivation explained more than 32.8% of the variability in employee performance. The hypothesis testing led to the rejection of H01. The rejection of H01 confirmed that motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee’s performance. The study concludes that motivation plays a significant role in enhancing employees' performance in the four-star rated hotels along the coastal region of Kenya. The study recommends that the four star rated hotels along the coastal Kenya should implement motivation programs in their enterprises to record positive and significant employee and organizational performances. It is essential to develop and implement comprehensive employee motivation programs that cater to both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors, thereby enhancing job satisfaction and productivity. The study also recommends that policy formulating and regulatory bodies such as the Ministry of Tourism should devise mechanisms and enforce policies which are geared towards motivating employees’ as well overseeing the overall welfare of workers.

Keywords: Motivation, Employee Performance, four star rated hotels, Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation

Author Biographies

Dominic Shukrani Kenga , Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya

PhD Fellow, Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya

P.O. Box 90420-80100, Mombasa, Kenya


Dr. William Kazungu Kingi, Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya

P.O. Box 90420-80100, Mombasa, Kenya



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How to Cite

Kenga , D. S., & Kingi, W. K. (2024). Effect of Motivation on Employees’ Performance in the Four Star Rated Hotels in Coastal Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 8(2), 60–70. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t5310


