Relationship Between Integrative Leadership and Performance of Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Frontier Counties: Moderating Effect of Stakeholder Engagement


  • Dr. Mohamed A. Dahir, PhD The Management University of Africa, Kenya
  • Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula, Ph.D. The Management University of Africa, Kenya
  • Dr. Paul Machoka, Ph.D. The Management University of Africa, Kenya



This paper sought to ascertain the moderating role of stakeholder on the relationship between integrative leadership and the performance of public boarding secondary schools in selected Counties under the Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) of Kenya. Empirical studies on the relationship between integrative leadership and performance and the moderating role of stakeholder engagement was critiqued. The target population included all public boarding secondary schools from four Counties with a sample size of four hundred and forty (N=440). Questionnaires and interview guides were used to gather information. Data was analysed using quantitative and qualitative analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize quantitative data, while inferential statistics were used to test the study hypothesis. The moderating effect of stakeholder engagement was assessed, and results were explained using a coefficient of determination, analysis of variance and regression coefficients. Hierarchical regression analysis with an interaction term (a product of integrative leadership and stakeholder engagement) was introduced as an additional predictor in 3 steps and results revealed that the introduction of stakeholder engagement had an enhancing moderating effect on the relationship between integrative leadership and the performance of public boarding secondary schools.

Keywords: Integrative Leadership, Stakeholder Engagement, Performance of Public Boarding Secondary Schools, Moderating Role, Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC).

Author Biographies

Dr. Mohamed A. Dahir, PhD, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Dr. Domeniter Naomi Kathula, Ph.D., The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Dr. Paul Machoka, Ph.D., The Management University of Africa, Kenya

Senior Lecturer, The Management University of Africa, Kenya


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How to Cite

Dahir, M. A., Kathula, D. N., & Machoka, P. (2024). Relationship Between Integrative Leadership and Performance of Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Frontier Counties: Moderating Effect of Stakeholder Engagement. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 8(3), 24–48.


