Moderated Mediation Dynamics: Influence of Strategic Linkages and Policy Implementation on Corporate Leadership and Kenya Agricultural Research Organization's Performance
Global demand for safe, affordable, and accessible nutritious food currently exceeds governmental efforts, notwithstanding huge investments in enhancing capacity of organizations mandated to reverse such trends. With the projected 27% increase in global population by 2050, the need for corporate leadership and policy implementation efforts is urgent. The study explored the moderated mediation effect of strategic linkages and policy implementation on the relationship between corporate leadership and performance of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO). Rooted in organizational excellence, upper echelons, legitimacy, institutional, and stakeholder theories, the study employed a pragmatic philosophy, and mixed methods design to mitigate bias. The target population included 75 management organs, with 60 directors and 188 top leadership units as units of observation. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS, and qualitative data using NVivo. Cronbach’s alpha (α ≥ .700) confirmed internal consistency. Both confirmatory factor and principal component analyses aided data reduction. Moderated mediation analysis, using Hayes' PROCESS Macro, showed significant interaction (p = .004) between policy implementation (mediator) and strategic linkages (moderator), indicating that the effect of policy implementation on KALRO’s performance varies with levels of strategic linkages (set at -.229). Index below -0.229 shows significant relationships, and vice versa. Recommendations encompass gender diversity, inclusive leadership development, regular performance appraisals, an enhanced monitoring and evaluation system, and improved linkages. The findings provide valuable guidance for KALRO's leadership amid competing priorities and budgetary constraints.
Keywords: Moderated mediation, policy implementation, strategic linkages, corporate leadership, KALRO
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