Relationship between Collective Bargaining and Performance of Public Health Facilities in Imenti North Sub-County, Meru County
Many public health facilities have experienced employee discontent in the recent past contributing to a decline in the delivery of healthcare services. This was due to delayed salaries, poor working climate, insufficient facilities, and lack of engagement on the part of management to communicate with workers. This study analyzed the relationship between collective bargaining and performance of public health facilities in Imenti North Sub-County, Meru County. It adopted a correlational research design. Data was collected through questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential analyses were employed. The correlation results revealed a positive and significant association between collective bargaining and performance of public health facilities (r=0.676**, P=0.000). Regression results (β=0.683, P=0.000) indicated that a positive and significant relationship existed between collective bargaining and organizational performance. According to regression results, the computed significance level, P < 0.05, hence the null hypothesis was rejected and settled that collective bargaining had a significant relationship with organizational performance. The study concluded that collective bargaining has a significant effect organizational performance. This meant that for better employee and general organization performance to improve, employees have to participate fully in the collective bargaining agreements. Based on the findings, the study recommended that the management of health facilities in Imenti North Sub-County should strengthen policies relating to collective bargaining, which is a key strategy for employees to raise their voices. The management should particularly focus on the following policy aspects: discrimination, employee hiring procedures, retention and retrenchment.
Keywords: Collective bargaining, performance, public health facilities
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