Effect of Procurement Contract Management on Performance of Public Institutions in Rwanda. A Case of Gicumbi District-Rwanda
The general objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of procurement contract management on performance of Gicumbi District. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of procurement contract planning, negotiation and execution on the performance of Gicumbi District. The population of this study was 127 staff of Gicumbi District. The study used a census inquiry method instead of sampling. This decision is based on the small size of the target population. The following instruments were utilized to gather data for the research: The researcher relied on document analysis, questionnaires, and interviews to collect data. The statistical analysis of the collected data was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) which is a widely used tool for statistical computation in research. The researcher employed descriptive and correlational analysis in this approach. Descriptive and correlational research design were used. The coefficient for procurement contract planning is 0.237, indicating that for each unit increase in procurement contract planning, the performance of public institutions is expected to increase by 0.237, and this relationship is statistically significant (β = 0.237, Sig. = 0.000). This demonstrates that effective planning significantly enhances institutional performance. The procurement contract negotiation coefficient is 0.201, indicating a similar effect; a one-unit increase in effective negotiation is associated with an increase in performance of 0.201, and it is also statistically significant (β = 0.201, Sig. = 0.003). Additionally, the coefficient for procurement contract execution is 0.559, indicating that effective execution contributes substantially to performance (β = 0.559, Sig. = 0.003). The study recommends that Gicumbi District should enhance the capacity of its procurement personnel through targeted training, implement standardized templates for contract planning and adopt a collaborative negotiation framework.
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