Effects of E-Procurement Practices on Supply Chain Performance in Kenya
In today's dynamic global competitive business environment, technology-based service is no longer an afterthought; rather it is a must for public and private organizations. It has become necessary for companies to provide their customers with cost-effective total solutions and better customer satisfaction with innovative ideas and methods. With the emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), companies have been forced to shift their operation from the traditional style to an e-Business, e-Procurement and e- Supply Chain philosophy to sustain themselves. Over the past decade, both private and public sector organizations have been utilizing Information Technology (IT) to streamline and automate their purchasing and other processes. It is due to these backgrounds that this study undertook to assess the effects of e-procurement on supply chain management performance in Kenya. The research adopted a descriptive research design to collect the quantitative and qualitative data that describes the effects of supplier performance and e-procurement strategy. The study concluded that there is an increased tendency towards market structures and thin was interpreted to mean that the market that enabled the supply of the institution's products and services is large enough to accommodate the business. The study concluded that there are secure and low-cost procurement transactions which were interpreted to mean that E-invoicing has a great significance in the company's operation. The ability to reduce payment time, greater security of data, as well as numerous environmental benefits has made E-invoicing to be more applicable to companies operating in the country.
Key Words: e-procurement practices, supply chain management, performance & Kenya.
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