Exploring the Effects of Development of Policy Alternatives by the Public on Policy Formulation in Kericho County


  • Chelangat Faith Kenyatta University
  • Wilson Muna, PhD Kenyatta University




Public participation in Kenya has not been achieved especially at county level in which Kericho County is one of them. This study sought to explore the effects of development of policy alternatives by the public on policy formulation in Kericho County. This study was guided by public participation and policy formulation theory and adopted descriptive research design. The study targeted 30 ward administrators, 30 members of the county assembly, 85 village elders, and local residents of Kericho County. Using simple random sampling technique, the study obtained a sample size of 196 respondents who participated in the study. Primary data for the study was gathered through the use of an interview guide and a questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis of the quantitative data obtained through the use of a questionnaire and SPSS version 25. Frequency and percentage were the precise descriptive statistics that were employed, and regression analysis and correlation were the inferential statistics. The study found that development of policy alternatives by the public had positive and significant effect on policy formulation (β = 0.465, p = 0.000). The study concludes that the government, citizens, special interest groups, the media, and the private sector all have a role to play in the policy-making process. Thus, policy makers should consider the input of these stakeholders when making decisions, as their actions can have a large impact on the implementation of policies. In view of the findings, the study recommended that policy makers should ensure that policies are reflective of the opinions of all stakeholders in order to ensure their successful implementation.

Keywords: Public Participation, Policy Formulation, Community Engagement, Governance, Kericho County

Author Biographies

Chelangat Faith, Kenyatta University

Department of public policy and administration

Wilson Muna, PhD, Kenyatta University

Department of Public Policy and Administration


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How to Cite

Chelangat, F., & Muna, W. (2024). Exploring the Effects of Development of Policy Alternatives by the Public on Policy Formulation in Kericho County. Journal of Public Policy & Governance, 8(1), 27–38. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t4261


