Influence of Top Management Support on Performance of State Corporations in Kenya
State corporations in Kenya have undergone several scrutinizes due to their poor performances. The study thus sought to determine the influence of top management support on performance of state corporations in Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive research design method to ascertain and describe the characteristics and status of the variables. A sample size of 264 respondents selected from State Corporations in Kenya was reached, and a semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software. The study findings showed that top management support has a positive and significant relationship with performance. The study also found out that management’s commitment determines the level of organizational success, thus performance and that the policies defined by the government in conjunction with the State Corporations influence the degree of performance. Most top leaders in State Corporations have upheld the stated visions and have been working to ensure they are achieved, thus, most corporations recorded high performance. The study recommends that the top management in organizations need to pay greater attention to the mission and vision of their corporations in order to come up with high-level strategies for their achievement. The study also recommends that the government of Kenya should re-evaluate the policies set for management of State Corporations and improve on them so that they can be able to address the changes being experienced in the management environment, as this will scale up organizational performance. The government and other the regulatory bodies should implement supportive policies for top management in State Corporations to adopt for enhanced performance
Keywords: Top management support, performance, state corporations, Kenya
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