Policy Formulation and Advocacy towards Sustainability of Aviation Industry in Kenya: A Literature Based Review
Sustainability of the aviation sector takes a multidimensional approach including economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability. Thus, the sustainability of the aviation industry sector presents a challenging task in enhancing the three aspects of aviation industry sustainability. The three aspects in most instances conflict for instance as economic aspect of sustainability is enhanced, the environmental aspect of sustainability deteriorates. Formulation of aviation industrial policies requires multi-agency involvement. The aviation industry sector has many other bodies and agencies that must be considered for industrial advice, engagement and consultation. A particular aviation industrial policy formulated may conflict with policy guidelines from other partners and agencies. The purpose of this study was to undertake an empirical review on policy formulation and advocacy towards sustainability of aviation industry in Kenya. Literature based review was adopted in this paper. The planning theory, Functional Process Model and Dynamic Capabilities Theory anchored this paper. From the literature review, it was identified that sustainability of the aviation industry takes a multidimensional approach that include economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability. The unique phenomenon presents a unique challenge in promoting satisfactory sustainability in the aviation industry. As such, the study recommends for prudent aviation policies, carefully and collaboratively formulated to balance the three aspects of sustainability in the aviation industry. The policies include environmental sustainability policies that ensure that airline operators use less pollutant fuels, economic sustainability policies including polices on excellent service delivery to customers, affordable airline maintenance practices and fair competition strategies among the participants in the industry. Social responsibilities policies to be adopted include clauses that promote active participation of the airline operators in building social services/amenities and protecting employees from abuse by the employer (s).
Key words: Policy formulation, sustainability, aviation industry, Kenya
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