Self-Management Competencies and Employee Effectiveness: A Conceptual Review
Self-management practices are useful in enhancing the behavior that is desirable for the employees at workplace, and controlling the behavior that is undesirable and which may arise from impulses, innate habits and behavior learned due to upbringing. Self-management differentiates from management relying on strong supervisor involvement because it is conducted without the immediate presence of external control. Successful self-management can be very beneficial for organizations, as it can enhance job satisfaction, attendance, self-efficacy, job performance, learning and career success, as well as improve work behaviors such as learning, attendance and task performance. For employees, self-management at workplace means that they are responsible for determining approaches to task execution as well as monitoring and managing their own behaviors. This paper examines the impact of self-management competencies on employee effectiveness. It is conceptual in nature and thus adopts a desk research approach by reviewing extant literature.
Keywords: Self-Management, Employee Effectiveness, Self-Regulation, Self-Leadership, Self-Awareness
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