Human Resources Practices and Employees Quality of Life in Tanzania Mining Industry: A Qualitative Study
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect Human Resource Practices on mineworkers Quality of Life in the mining industry. A multiple-case study research design in a single industry was adopted. Qualitative data from multiple sources were collected through interview, focus group discussion and observation. The study found that in Mererani mines workers are not properly trained, adequately compensated, given employment contracts, and there is no appraisal of performance conducted on employee. The outcome is that mineworkers lack job skills, better pay, and many have succumbed to death and injuries. This has affected their quality of life as majority are unable to meet the costs of medical care, education of their children, housing, water supply, and other social amenities. The study presents new data that contributes to theoretical development of economic variant of social exchange theory, an area that has been largely underdeveloped. It is recommended that Human resource practitioners and policy makers in organizations should design HR practices that enhances workers needs and organizational requirements in order to achieve performance. The collection of data from Tanzanite mines only limits the generalization of findings to other settings.
Keywords - Human Resource Management, Human Resource Practices, Quality of Life, Mineworkers, Tanzanite
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