Employee Diversity and Organizational Performance; A Case study of Sharp Manufacturing Firm in France
Diversity is the co-existence of individuals from numerous socio-cultural backgrounds within the organization. The study sought to determine the effect of employee diversity on organizational performance in the case of Sharp Manufacturing Firm in France. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The collection of the data was done in a sharp manufacturing firm in France. The study included 358 as the sample size. The collection of the data was done using questionnaires. The analysis of the data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics entailed the description of the study data while the inferential statistics incorporated the computation of the correlation and regression analyses. The study findings showed that employee diversity has a positive and significant impact on organizational performance. The study concluded that employee diversity is essential for improving performance among organizations. Valuing the differences of others is what ultimately brings us all together and can be the secret to a successful, thriving workplace and a fair work culture. Employee diversity allows for more ideas and procedures hence increasing the organization's output. Diversity in the workplace increases employee morale and instills a desire to be more effective and work more efficiently. The study recommended organizations need to concentrate on the diversity of the employees. Diversity has the capacity of producing better efficiency and competitive advantages. There is a need for companies to employ individuals from different historical grounds, ages, gender, education, culture, geographical location, ethnic culture, races and religious beliefs; for them to acquire wide perspectives regarding customer choices of different cultures and regions. Organizations need to acknowledge the strengths of each employee and the potential they bring.
Keywords: Employee diversity, organizational performance, sharp manufacturing firm, France
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