Effect of Human Resources Policies on Employee Satisfaction; A Case study of Loblaw Companies Limited, Canada
The study examined the effect of human resources policies on employee satisfaction in a case study of Loblaw Companies Limited in Canada. The study used an explanatory research design. The basis for using the design was to examine the relationship between the variables. The target population were employees from Loblaw Companies Limited. The study used purposive sampling to get the sample size of 289 employees. The study used questionnaires to collect the data. The analysis of the data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. It was found that HR Policies are positively and significantly related to employee satisfaction (β=0.841, p=0.028). The study concluded that human resource policies are positively and significantly related to employee satisfaction. HR policies are the foundation of optimal utilization, management, workers' job satisfaction, and performance. A properly organized and adequate HR policy boosts employee job satisfaction and hard work in the firm. It also improves efficiency, motivates employees, and boosts employee performance. HR policies ensure that every employee of an organization is looked after, their needs are respected and proper benefits are available for their work. HR policies help address employee complaints, problems and grievances and outline how to solve them appropriately. The study recommended that firms develop methods for equitable and proper employee compensation. Managers should create appealing incentive programs. The management should always look for mechanisms that significantly increase employee happiness and performance. Sound human resource policies help build employee motivation and loyalty. This is especially true when the policies reflect established principles of fair play. The HR policies should guide how employees should behave in the workplace and how management handles issues such as complaints.
Keywords: HR policies, employee satisfaction, Loblaw Companies Limited, Canada
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