The Role of Organization Culture Management of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders of Masonry in Construction Workplaces: Case Study, Nairobi County, Kenya
Globally masonry workers are often exposed to work-related risks resulting to development of musculoskeletal disorder and associated diseases affecting their body's movements. Despite the gains made, existing workplace risk management preventive and control methods have not adequately addressed this problem. The investigation was on the role of organizational culture in the management of musculoskeletal disorders of masonry workers in Building Construction Works, Nairobi County. Multiple-case study methods were employed to complete the inquiry. The study was guided by the complexity theory. A review of the existing literature in the field of the study was carried, and the knowledge gap for the study identified. The field data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. Paired null and alternative hypotheses for the study were defined. The data collected was subjected to descriptive and inferential analysis for logical patterns, relationships and level of statistical significance. The key findings of the study showed involvement of masonry workers in risk management decision-making, work performance, process audits and reviews. The Pearson correlation results (P<= 0.05) showed that organizational culture was positively related to workers musculoskeletal disorder of masonry workers. The regression model summary results of the study indicated that R =.576, implying that the organization's culture, OSH government policies, and challenges correlated at .576. The study results for the coefficient for multiple-regression determination (R- squared) was .332, implying that the changes in independent variables influenced changes in the dependent variable by 33.2%. Other factors beyond the scope of this study explained the remainder 66.8% out of 100% of the changes. However, the figure does not reveal information about the causation relationship between the independent and dependent variables or indicate the correctness of the regression model.
Keywords: Role of Organization Culture, management, Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, masons, building construction workplaces.
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