Structure-Objective-Environment Alignment: Organisational Success


  • Amos K. Chemonges Pan African Christian University



The alignment of an organisation’s structure, environment, and goals is critical to its success. This study investigates how some organisational theory’s schools of thought might help organisations identify difficulties and recommend appropriate structures to handle them. Organisations can get significant insights into the dynamics of their internal and external environments by investigating diverse views and theories within organisational theories. The contingency hypothesis emphasises the importance of tailoring organisational structures to individual conditions. The classical school of thinking emphasises scientific management and the need for hierarchical organisation and labour division. This school provides principles and standards for efficiently structuring organisations. Employee happiness, motivation, and social connections are all important in the human relations school of thought. On the other hand, the systems school emphasises the interconnection and complexity of organisations. By harnessing these different schools of thought, organisations can better understand their difficulties and build appropriate structures that enhance flexibility, resilience, and effectiveness. This paper concludes that a comprehensive examination of organisational theory can provide valuable guidance for organisations aligning their structures with their environments and objectives, resulting in improved performance and competitiveness in today’s complex and rapidly changing business landscape.

Keywords: Structure-Objective, Environment, Alignment, Organisational Success

Author Biography

Amos K. Chemonges , Pan African Christian University

Student, Organisational Leadership, Pan African Christian University


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How to Cite

Chemonges , A. K. (2023). Structure-Objective-Environment Alignment: Organisational Success. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 7(3), 83–101.


