Personal Leadership Philosophy for the 21st Century: Integrating Theory, Experience, and Perspectives
Leaders must adapt to globalization and technological advancements, assessing the effectiveness of their leadership style and its impact on teams. They align with evolving needs and challenges by remaining conscious and making informed adjustments. This paper examines and evaluates a variety of leadership ideas and provides a summary of the theories, emphasizing their main ideas, benefits, and drawbacks. It has also examined the leadership theoretical framework as well as the appropriate leadership style that best fits the framework and the current context. This paper will also explain how transformational, adaptive, and servant leadership has influenced my leadership philosophy. My leadership philosophy and how it has evolved over time have been discussed in the paper. It has emphasized previous perspectives that shaped my understanding of leadership while presenting my current leadership philosophy, emphasizing the key tenets that guide it. Finally, the paper will discuss the relationship between my leadership philosophy and the discussed leadership styles and theoretical framework. Furthermore, explain how this leadership philosophy will help me fit into the context of the twenty-first century.
Keywords: Personal Leadership Philosophy, 21st Century, Integrating Theory, Experience, Perspectives
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