Outsourcing Strategies and Human Resource Performance in Tea Manufacturing Companies in Rwanda: A case of Ekaterratearwanda Limited
The objective of this research was to study the human resource outsourcing practices among tea manufacturing companies in Rwanda. With specific objective being, To determine the influence of outsourcing strategies and recruitment process on human resource performance at Ekaterra Tea Rwanda Limited, to assess how outsourcing strategies on employee benefits management influence human resource performance at Ekaterra Tea Rwanda Limited and To establish how outsourcing strategies influences employee relations and human resource performance at Ekaterra Tea Rwanda. All the tea manufacturing companies were targeted population of 100 respondent from the factories. The research design to be used was description survey and data was collected from one of the tea manufacturing company operating in Rwanda called Ekaterra Tea Rwanda Ltd. The respondents were comprised mostly of Management team and supervisors with experience in various departments. Questionnaires using semi structured questions were used to collect data. Primary data were collected from the respondents and were supplemented by secondary data from journals, magazines and supplements and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, mean scores, standard deviations and percentages. The findings were presented in form of tables. The sample population of 80 determined using Slovin‘s formula were used. Simple random sampling were used to identify the people to answer questions. At Ekaterra tea manufacturing company, study used purposive sampling method to interview top managers of the project in order to get detailed information of the subject matter. Data were collected by using questionnaires, interviews and documentary sources. Using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), the collected data was presented using tables and figure while interpretation and analysis were done based on percentages, mean and frequencies of respondents views. The data was also analyzed using correlation techniques and regression technique. In summary, the information provides key statistics to assess the performance of a regression model. The R² value indicates that the model explains approximately 28% of the variance in the dependent variable, and the adjusted R² adjusts for the number of predictors. The standard error of the estimate provides information about the typical prediction error in the model. These statistics help in understanding the model's goodness of fit and its ability to explain the variation in the dependent variable.
Keywords: Outsourcing, Human resource management, Outsourcing Strategies, Recruitment process, Employee’s benefits, Employee’s relations.
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