Authentic Leadership: The Challenge of Becoming
Authentic leadership is crucial for organizational success, yet many leaders struggle to be authentic. This study explored the challenges to authentic leadership through the lens of Biblical examples and leadership theories. Its purpose was to understand these barriers and provide recommendations for developing authentic leaders. The analysis was informed by two key frameworks: authentic leadership theory and LMX theory. A qualitative document analysis methodology was employed to examine the biblical story of Peter's leadership in Galatians. The findings revealed that Peter, despite his good intentions, faced significant challenges in acting according to his values under social pressure. This highlights the common temptation leaders face to conform rather than act authentically. The study identified self-awareness, integrity, and moral courage as essential qualities for authentic leadership. To equip leaders to stay true to their values, training programs should focus on building self-knowledge, fostering integrity, and developing resilience. Authentic leadership, when modeled through integrity, inspires trust and organizational commitment. Based on these findings, the study recommends two key strategies: coaching to enhance self-awareness and scenario planning to practice values-based decision-making in challenging situations.
Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Challenge of Becoming
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