Exploring the Relationship between Reward Practices and Employee Engagement among County Governments in North Rift Region, Kenya
County governments in Kenya have not had systematic practices of employee engagement. The few that did adopt these practices did so in an isolated, informal, and uncoordinated manner, which was unlikely to yield any meaningful results. Effective human resource practices can have a significant impact on employee engagement. Low employee engagement can result in various issues, including high employee turnover, low productivity, and reduced organizational effectiveness. This study sought to establish the effect of employee reward practices on employee engagement among selected county governments in the North Rift Region, Kenya. The study was anchored on Human Capital Theory. The target population comprised 10,009 employees working in three North Rift counties comprising of Elgeyo Marakwet, Uasin Gishu, and Nandi Counties. The target population was made up of 2,611 employees from Elgeyo Marakwet County, 3,164 employees from Uasin Gishu County, and 4,234 employees from Nandi County. Cluster and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the 385 employees. The data was collected using structured questionnaires. A pilot study was conducted to examine the validity and reliability of the research instrument. Quantitative data from the closed-ended questions was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study used descriptive statistics, including mean, frequencies, percentages, and standard deviation, to assess respondents' levels of agreement with the statements in the questionnaire. Furthermore, regression analysis was conducted to establish the relationship between employee reward practices and employee engagement. The results were presented using tables. The findings revealed that the model was significant in explaining the relationship between employee reward practices and engagement (F = 142.299, p = 0.000). The study also found that employee reward practices (B=0.358, p<0.001) had positive and significant effect on employee engagement. Consequently, the study recommends that County governments should focus on revising and strengthening their reward practices to ensure fairness and competitiveness. Additionally, the managements of the three counties should develop competitive and equitable reward systems that recognize and reward employees' contributions effectively.
Keywords: Reward Practices, Employee Engagement, Public Sector Motivation, County Governments, North Rift Region
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