Effect of Reward and Involvement on Employee Performance in Madison Insurance Company Kenya Limited


  • Lawrence Makau Management University of Africa


Reward, Involvement, Employee performance, Insurance and Madison Insurance Company


With the unpredictable business environment and intense business competition, the companies are required to reach certain standards by improving their performance to align with such great demands; otherwise, a lot of problems will surface, including running the risk to close down the business. This performance relates to the firm or individual level which sees the human resource becoming the most determining factor to achieve the organization's objectives. The study established the effect of reward and involvement on employee performance in Madison Insurance of Company Kenya Limited. The study target population were 1540 employees of the Madison Insurance Company Kenya of which 154 were selected as the sample size. Descriptive statistics such as, mean and frequencies and inferential statistics such as regression and correlation analysis was used to perform data analysis. A multiple linear regression analysis model was used to test the relationship between the reward, involvement and employee performance. The study findings indicated that the reward and involvement have influence in the employee performance of insurance industries. There was a significant and positive relationship between employee rewards, employee involvement and employee performance. The study therefore recommended that insurance industries should invest in employee rewards and employee involvement.

Keywords: Reward, Involvement, Employee performance, Insurance and Madison Insurance Company

Author Biography

Lawrence Makau, Management University of Africa

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Makau, L. (2017). Effect of Reward and Involvement on Employee Performance in Madison Insurance Company Kenya Limited. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 1(2), 1–12. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournal.org/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/54


