Relationship between Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability of Anglican Church Funded Projects in Kenya


  • Dorothy Medza Tsuma Management University of Africa
  • Professor Elijah Siringi Management University of Africa
  • Dr. Leonard Wambua Management University of Africa


Church funded projects are a powerful global concept which describes those businesses with primarily social and environmental objectives. However, these projects undertaken by the Church have been facing critical challenges in sustainability. Thus the study sought to establish the relationship between stakeholder engagement and sustainability of Anglican Church Funded Projects in Kenya. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design aimed at collecting large number of quantitative data to establish patterns of value addition in the church projects. The study used positivism philosophy. The study's respondents was drawn from all the Anglican Churches in Mombasa Region. The unit of analysis was the Anglican churches funded projects while the respondent was the development committee, parochial church council and church members. One development committee member was selected from each of the 11 deaneries while 2 parochial church council members was selected from the 11 deaneries while sampling was done for the church members. Yamane (1967) simplified formula was used to obtain the number of church members from the 11 deaneries. Stratified random sampling was used to select church members while purposive sampling was used to select the church committee members, parochial church council and church members. Primary data was obtained using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaire was made up of closed questions relating to the study's objectives. Descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequencies, mean and standard deviation was used for the quantitative data. Inferential data analysis was done using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results was presented in form of tables and graphs. The results indicated that stakeholder engagement positively and significantly influenced sustainability of projects. The study recommended that all stakeholders should be given an opportunity to participate in each phase of the project cycle as it is clear that participation influences sustainability. Participation should not just be in isolated episodes but throughout the project cycle as each stakeholder has a role they play in the different phases.

Keywords: Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainability, Anglican Church & Kenya.

Author Biographies

Dorothy Medza Tsuma, Management University of Africa

Post Graduate Student, Management University of Africa

Professor Elijah Siringi, Management University of Africa

Lecturer, Management University of Africa

Dr. Leonard Wambua, Management University of Africa

Lecturer, Management University of Africa


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How to Cite

Tsuma, D. M., Siringi, P. E., & Wambua, D. L. (2020). Relationship between Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability of Anglican Church Funded Projects in Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 4(5), 1–20. Retrieved from


