The Realities Associated with Authentic Leadership and the Significance of Authenticity in Developing a Successful Leadership Practice
In the face of globalization and turbulent times, many organizations are looking for leaders who are men and women of exemplary character, leaders who uphold their values and are able to instill the same to their followers. Successful organizations require leaders of high uprightness and committed to building lasting organizations. Authentic leaders have an unfathomable sense of purpose and right to its most intrinsic values, audacity to develop their businesses to meet the need of all stakeholders and are able to identify the significance of their role for society. Based on empirical literature, self-awareness among leaders enables individuals to understand the significance of authentic leadership in contemporary society. Mainly, leaders are expected to be motivated by values, emotions, identity and goals. The second contributing factor is the mechanical aspect which includes internalized regulation, processing of information. Authentic leaders are said to be genuine, honest, real, optimistic, compassionate and passionate about their work. They also have a strong sense of self-efficacy and are emotionally intelligent. Authentic leaders have one unique feature in that their main focus is on follower's development and this can be said to be a successful leadership practice.
Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Successful Leadership Practice, Organizations
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