Effects of Human Resource Practices on the Performance of Vodacom-Drc Limited and Safaricom Limited
Human Resource practitioners and academics believe that Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) alongside Strategic Human Resource Practices (SHRP) have direct and positive impact on organizational performance. This belief is thought to be rather conventional as numerous studies across the globe on SHRM and SHRP on organizational performance have shown minimal results due to unknown factors. The purpose of this study determines the effects of training practices on organizational performance at Vodacom DRC Limited; to examine the influence of performance management practices on organizational performance at Vodacom DRC Limited; to examine the effect of recruitment and selection practices on organizational performance at VODACOM DRC Limited; lastly to determine the influence of employee relations practices on organizational performance at VODACOM DRC Limited. The research findings were based on two theories namely; employers search theory and human relations theory. The study used a survey research design as research design to investigate the selected strategic human resource practices and their effects on performance in which Vodacom-DRC Limited and Safaricom Plc was surveyed. The population sampled comprised of 385 respondents from the companies. The study findings presented used statistical procedure or models which includes tables, graphs, and percentages. In analyzing primary data, SPSS was used intensively. Data was finally computed to describe the characteristics of the variables in the study and also established the nature and magnitude of the relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The study findings revealed the influence that SHRP had on organizational performance and how it played its role in providing strategies related to human resource processes to enhance organizational performance. Future studies recommend the use of effective human resource management practices as the way to improve the overall output of employees and organizational performance.
Keywords: Human resource practices, Training practices, Performance management practices, Recruitment and selection practices, Employee relations practices, Performance
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