Organization Structure


  • Eunice Fedha Daritsu Pan African Christian University



This paper aims to demonstrate the significance of various schools of thought in ensuring that an organisation is strategically aligned with its environment. The paper discusses various schools of thought, such as classical, human relations, systems theory, contingency theory, and resource-dependency theory. The theories have concentrated on various aspects within an organisation, including hierarchy, employees, internal systems, and the organization's alignment with its environment. Researchers have found that various theories have both advantages and disadvantages when implemented within an organisation. They help organisations identify challenges within their systems by focusing on specific issues, which allows them to ensure strategic alignment with their environment and improve overall performance.

Keywords: Organization, Structure, System Theory, Contingency Theory

Author Biography

Eunice Fedha Daritsu, Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, School of Leadership, Business and Technology, PAC University


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How to Cite

Daritsu, E. F. (2024). Organization Structure. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 8(3), 13–23.




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