Philosophy of Leadership


  • Eunice Daritsu Fedha Pan African Christian University



The paper focuses on the philosophy behind the best form of leadership in the twenty-first century. Various forms of leadership have evolved over time in response to the needs of the people. The evolution of leadership theories demonstrates that at any given time, individuals face various demands that require them to adapt to a new type of leadership. The twenty-first century is no exception, with numerous technological advancements and changes in workplace demographics. However, the various changes in the workplace can be addressed while employing a dynamic leadership approach. The dynamic leadership philosophy calls for a leader who promotes individual motivation, is open to new ideas, and fosters workplace collaboration. As a result, such a leader encourages employees to give their all while working and adapting to changes in the environment, particularly technological advancements. Therefore, such a leadership approach encourages all individuals to participate in achieving the goals of their workplace.

Keywords: Philosophy, Leadership, Motivation, Ideas, Collaboration

Author Biography

Eunice Daritsu Fedha, Pan African Christian University

PhD Student, School of Leadership, Business and Technology, PAC University


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How to Cite

Daritsu, E. F. (2024). Philosophy of Leadership. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 8(3), 49–58.




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