The Influence of Inspirational Motivation on Performance of Health Sector NGOs in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Mugambi Regina Kinya Kenyatta University
  • Obere Eliud Kenyatta University


Transformational leadership has become a popular aspect of organisational performance that elicits undisputable interest from research and practice. The four dimensions of transformational leadership, which include idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, and inspirational motivation) remain instrumental approaches that see the creation of vision, mobilization of commitment, and institutionalization of change in the modern era. Although previous research has investigated the impact of transformational leadership in the contexts of varied organisations and individuals, the specific focus of inspirational motivation of health sector NGOs in Nairobi County, Kenya is still limited. This study aims to investigate the influence of inspirational motivation on performance of health sector NGOs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The target population of the study was all the 41 registered NGO’s in the health sector in Nairobi County, Kenya which was sampled to 20 Health Sector NGOs. The study adopts a descriptive research design, which involves collection and analysis primary data. Data gathered from the questionnaires was analysed quantitatively using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) computer software. The findings presented shows that, an increase in Inspirational motivation would lead to increase in Performance of Health Sector NGOs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The leaders of health sector NGOs in Nairobi County, Kenya, should continue to inspire their personnel to improve their performance and help the organization reach its goals and objectives, according to the study.

Keywords: Inspirational Motivation, Performance, Health Sector, NGOs & Kenya

Author Biographies

Mugambi Regina Kinya, Kenyatta University

Masters Student, Kenyatta University-Department of Business Administration

Obere Eliud, Kenyatta University

Lecturer, Kenyatta University-Department of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Kinya, M. R., & Eliud, O. (2021). The Influence of Inspirational Motivation on Performance of Health Sector NGOs in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 5(2), 39–50. Retrieved from


